
Controlling Your Retirement

For many executives and senior managers, retirement is something you don't think about until ‘they’ take away your badge.

Every other career transition has been planned, sponsored and prepared for, then suddenly you have no control of events.

Embracing the Unknown

A quarter of our life can happen after we retire, and it can start suddenly.

Then how do you respond to the “And what do you do?” question?!

At 60, I was asked “What will you do when they take away your badge? ”. I didn’t know.

I knew I wouldn’t stop ‘doing stuff’, but I didn’t know what ‘stuff’ I was good for.

I re-imagined, and my so called retirement is a blast!!

Retirement is a Unique Transition

Retirement is surely just another transition, like going to university, starting work, moving countries, changing jobs and getting promoted?

No it isn’t.

To this point, every change has moved you forward and been emotionally positive - yes, even redundancy. Retirement can be seen as ‘the end’ and that can reduce wellbeing and self-esteem.

That’s why I offer Retirement Re-Imagined.

Retirement Re-Imagined

Retirement Re-Imagined is based on my personal experience and my MSc research into retirement wellbeing that I continue to do.

The programme supports your exploration of personal and career drivers, consideration of personal style and branding and re-imagining your retirement.

Your personal retirement plan harnesses the experience and knowledge that made your success in surprising ways that make you feel just as complete and fulfilled.

This programme has been developed in partnership with Proteus Consultancy Limited

Navigating Careers, Finding Towels

“Gordon builds strong and constructive relationships with people at all levels in an organisation and works effectively at CXO level and with less senior staff.

Feedback that I have received from people he has mentored and coached has always been positive and his help has always been well received.”

Linda Berry

Executive Vice President, Information Technology Sector